

The contents of the Infinito Belgian chocolate can, containing a mixture of white, milk, and dark chocolates are infinitely delectable: the perfect mix for those who love variety. 

incl VAT £0.18

The contents of the Infinito Belgian chocolate can, containing a mixture of white, milk, and dark chocolates are infinitely delectable: the perfect mix for those who love variety. 

  • Chocolates Manon coffee
    Manon coffee

    White chocolate covering and a coffee creamy filling

  • Chocolates Divine

    White chocolate covering and a soft praliné filling

  • Chocolates Candide caramel
    Candide caramel

    Milk chocolate covering and a praliné caramel filling. Contains alcohol

  • Chocolates Feuille vanilla
    Feuille vanilla

    Milk chocolate covering and a vanilla chocolate mousse filling. Contains alcohol

  • Chocolates Zorba mocha
    Zorba mocha

    Dark chocolate covering and a ganache mocha filling. Contains alcohol

  • Chocolates Surprise crisped cereals
    Surprise crisped cereals

    Dark chocolate covering with a praliné filling and crisped cereals